After couple of months of
blogging, I realised that one of the essential items that a Blogger should have with him / her, all time, is a
digital camera (I guess after the issue of the
Squatgate, camera phone is also now acceptable) . It is because you will never know when you will be at the right place and at the right time to capture certain moments in camera.
One good example is TV Smith’s post titled “God is also a cartographer”
A fire broke out at a shop near my house early in the morning yesterday (it was still dark then) and I was the only guy snapping up photos (looked silly at first) when the firemen arrived. Although I was at the right time and place to take the picture, I was however did not had a good camera to catch the moments – see the “artistic looking” picture below (if you can see what’s happening in the picture, I salute you).
There was a couple of people surrounded me when I was snapping the pictures (felt like a real reporter but with a “chekai” camera) and one of them told me that he has a camera on his handphone but he does not know how to use it (duh, did he heard about the Squategate?). The
fire broke out at one of the shops selling lighting and chandeliers (light bulbs going off in a fire acts & sounds like a mini bomb going off)

The police was the first to be on the scene to control the situation, followed by the owner (I am guessing here – the guy arrived in Toyota Harrier and wanted to go near to the shop despite everyone shouting to him to stay away. Something exploded in his shop and he came running back to everyone’s amusement). The last to arrive was the
Bomba, who by the way, missed the place and droved straight pass the fire & the big crowd (the police had to chase the fire-truck – can you imagine that?)
Anyway, by the time, Bomba came, the fire was still under control, so they just splashed some water to doze off the fire – they were fast & professional on this. As there were no major incidents (like someone fainting or people trapped in the blazing fire, sigh), I left for work (I was already late by 15 minutes – big difference if you are staying in the Klang Valley)
When I showed the photos to my wife, she finally understood why I carry my camera almost everywhere we go, most of the time. After all, you will never know when you will be at the right place and at the right time.
(Filed under Tag: Events)