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Personal 101: Toying with Projects3 min read

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Once in a while (probably 3 – 4 months in my case), something new will crop up either at my work place or home that will take my interest on a full time basis. New things like learning a new language (ya, I keep saying that but have not really put my feet on it) or programming or tweaking with “do-it-yourself” kind of activities at home.

Blogging is one good example. It used to be me thinking of ideas (almost non stop) for the blog at work and at home. Even when I am taking my shower, I will be running through ideas of what to be “published” the next day. For that, I will keep a scrap book nearby to jot down ideas before picking and “polishing” them in my computer. These days however, I have learned to pace myself – when there is an idea, write it or type it down, otherwise don’t worry about it. With 2 blogs to maintain, it is more relevant for me now to relax when it comes to preparing posts for the blogs (thinking what to publish can be stressful sometimes).

When I was busy with my blog at Blogspot, writing html codes for the template was another “new thing” that I was religiously dedicating to learn during my free times (I even skipped lunch so that I could experiment with the unique html codes on the Blogspot). But when I moved over to WordPress, learning html however took an unexpected rest – simply because WordPress took away the problem of tweaking the html codes when it comes to change templates or adding things to the side bar (using widgets could not be easier). Html coding these days is almost nil except for the time when I need to adjust the html codes for some online documentation. xHtml coding was visited for a very short period when I was involved in an internal project but it too did not last long.

When I shifted to the new house, I “executed” 2 projects that I always wanted to do – Project Gardening and Project Iswara.

Project Gardening is going up well so far – I managed to get the carpet grass growing and the pebbles placed at the right places. More things to been lined up for the next couple of weeks – it is will be posted in the blog of course. Project Iswara on the other hand has yet to commence although I managed to do a complete polishing-waxing of the car exterior and the rims last week (it was 2 hours well spent). I have jotted down couple of things to do for the car but since it also involves spending money, I have to wait until I can finish on the shopping for things for the new house. Project Iswara is definitely on to be rolled out in couple of months starting with much needed touch ups on the paint work.

The latest thing that has taken my interest is learning up Linux. Yes, the good old Linux. I probably starting late on this but I might as well put my interest to it whilst the learning bug is still with me. I am toying around with 2 Linux distributions – Ubuntu Linux (if I can get the LiveCD up and running) and Santa Fe Linux (there’s more I know). It is simply because they have distributions for home use and LiveCD for me to play around with Linux without messing up my existing Windows XP. I downloaded several documents for Linux newbie to read during my free time. The long holiday end of this week will give me the right break for read, learn and tweak on the Linux (if I don’t waste the time sleeping).

Count on me to be “introducing” more projects in my life to keep myself unnecessarily busy (Project Yoga is coming into my mind now). Some interests simply die out fast and some new ones are quick to stick on me like leech.

It’s back to reading on Linux now. Tag: Personal

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