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July 24, 2007

Go to hell!


(Poster source: Mob1900)

If you are a blogger and you have not heard of Raja Petra by now, you must have been living in a cave…

You must have heard about the UMNO thick skinned politicians making police report against Raja Petra and Malaysia Today. As expected, the blogsphere is buzzing with posts on the possibility of a major crackdown of bloggers.… [Click to read the rest] “Go to hell!”

3, 2 and 1


Oh boy, my wife was upset with me last weekend…

You see, she had promised her younger sister to follow her to pick the saree for her wedding and being the one who can drive her to the shop, she dutifully informed me. Both of our understanding on this little shopping trip was that:-


[Click to read the rest] “3, 2 and 1”