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June 2007

Bigger does not mean safer

This is interesting piece at Youtube (I like the last bit where a big chunk of the windscreen is sent flying towards the camera!)…


And read further details over Autoblog.

For a car that is as big as a Toyota Camry, use of inferior material clears shows how dangerous it can be when it is involved in an accident.… [Click to read the rest] “Bigger does not mean safer”

Month of Sickness

(Cartoon source: 

It’s funny when things happen all at the same time…

I having flu and now having headache, my wife is having gastric problems, an uncle of mine was off from work due to high fever and now at home recovering, my mom was having fever last week, my cousin’s mother in law is in hospital (I don’t know why – my cousin did not bother to check) and close relative in Taiping is in hospital due to high blood pressure.… [Click to read the rest] “Month of Sickness”

Indian Cinema 101: Those Tamil Movies That I Really Hate!

tamil movies

Tamil movies – there are some that truly get on my nerve. Don’t get me wrong – the acting is a first-class like how Sivaji Ganesan acted in Vietnam Veedu.

Couple days ago, Astro showed one old movie starring Sivaji Ganesan and whilst I admit that he is a great actor, the movie itself was a big pain in the neck (there are many similar Tamil movies sharing the similar storyline).

Read More »Indian Cinema 101: Those Tamil Movies That I Really Hate!