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October 2007

The Keris Act

(This picture I guess will be a widely used picture in this blog for obvious reason) 

It looks the circus is in town and soon the nation will be presented with another “Keris Act” from the UMNO Youth. This is what is going through my mind when I saw this in the Star:-

Umno Youth will continue to use the keris as its symbol at the coming party general assembly and believes that with time the non-Malays will become de-sensitised to it.

[Click to read the rest] “The Keris Act”

Locked Out

Isn’t Murphy’s Law simply amazing?

When things can go wrong, it will go wrong and it just had to happen on my trip to Kabul. My flight to Dubai was scheduled at 1.00 am, so I decided to finish work early and head home. I gather I could catch couple of hours of sleep or watch some movies before heading to the airport.… [Click to read the rest] “Locked Out”