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We got this because of this

Wake up people! If you want real change and want the Government to sit and listen to you, exercise your rights. Don’t be the “3 million” and the “4 million” that RPK have talked about and complain on how things are run in this country.

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1 thought on “ISA”

  1. I congratulate the Hindraf lawyers, though at this point of time I am so sorry for them and their families. These brave people, hampered by the the mighty powers of the Government, have shown the world and Malaysia how a small spark can cause a fire.Nothing emotive here but a simple truth.

    Somebody said Ponnusamy brothers, and after the Seenivasagam brothers of PPP Ipoh, this group has taken the Indians to lofty heights. Indians don’t lose this momentum, strive on. My comments

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