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Blogging 101: Flashback Of Blogging in Year 20084 min read

Read flashback from 2006 & 2007

January 2008

I got reconnected with game book

New Proton Saga was sighted – will it be the end of the crappy old Saga?

Son admitted for ear infection – first hospital experience for him and us

February 2008

My son was discharged from hospital – a big relieve! He was happy to leave the hospital too

Pak Lah dissolves Parliament – after several false alarms

Hindraf’s Rose Campaign was met with the usual road blocks and harsh police response

Comedy Court started its “music videos” before the election – it was funny but it was reality too

Pak Lah launched election manifesto but Malaysians were not fooled this time – we were prepared to send BN packing to retirement

MIC starts its threat before general election – as expected, it backfired

March 2008

Just before the election, young voters had their doubts but at end of the end, young voters made huge difference

The great tsunami – Samy Vellu was finally voted out and the oppositions made huge advances in the parliament. Key states – Perak and Selangor falls to the oppositions.

The politician who was involved in the Zakaria Palace fiasco is dead. Can he carry his wealth after death?

The in-fighting within Pakatan Rakyat for MB candidacy was shameful. We voters had our second thoughts now.

Pak Lah, severely burned in the recent election creates a smaller cabinet

April 2008

Someone proposed khalwat charges for non Muslims

My “always bachelor” brother got engaged

Started the “Childhood Memoriesseries – managed to record several posts in 2008. Hopefully update more in 2009.

BN cooks up the pig issue in Selangor but interestingly it was a project started by them before the elections.

May 2008

Leave home early, leave office late due to traffic jam

Finally made the trip to the East Coast after a long time – the East Coast highway was a welcome change to the old road

20 FRU vs 1 Citizen – guess who wins? None of the policemen have been booked for  use of excessive force

June 2008

One fuel hike announcement, crazy queue starts to form but it ends up burning more fuel for many

Celebrated the Big Boss’ 4th birthday

Got my fuel rebate after a long queue at the post office

MIC came out with the Manya Blogger Award

My thoughts on what MIC really need to do

Diablo 3 is coming!

July 2008

Bung Mokthar was at it again – hand over palm gesture

The police could not wait for Anwar before executing SWAT style arrest

Europe’s most wanted man was caught

RPK drops a bombshell on Najib & Shaiful

Anwar – guilty or not? There are plenty of evidences for both

August 2008

Anwar finally booked for sodomy

My car got whacked on the side, it remained “un-fixed” for 2008

The teacher who said derogatory words against young children and got rewarded handsomely. Malaysia Boleh!

Pak Lah, the PM in public transport (but what a joke!)

Anwar is back in Parliament

MCMC’s latest act against RPK did not work. It did not stop RPK or the readers from accessing RPK’s hard biting posts

September 2008

My brother got married

Ahmad Ismail kicked himself with racial words but remained on the loose. Another Malaysia Boleh!

The Government got more stupid – arresting a MP, a blogger and a journalist under ISA

The superb Hitler BN parody hits the blogsphere – it was funny and downright correct

A close relative of mine passed away

Khir Toyo come out from hiding, after the fiasco he created with the azan issue

MIC joined in the “Free Hindraf 5” campaign, a big U turn there

Paul Newman passed away

The start of flip flop Mike

October 2008

Melamine scare continues with White Rabbit Creamy Candy

ShahRukh got Datukship, despite of many voices of disapproval

Hindraf got banned

Big issue when a non Malay appointed to head PKNS. This is a country where being the best means nothing

November 2008

My campaign started

America elects first Black President

RPK released from ISA by the court. One hard slap for the Home Minister.

MN Nambiar passed away

Fatwa on Yoga issued

MIC jokers proposed bailouts for MAIKA

Someone proposed a beer ban in Selangor and all hell broke loose with beer drinkers

My NaNoWriMo campaign ended

December 2008

WordPress got upgraded to version 2.7

More ridiculous benefits for the Bukit Antarabangsa “victims”

Flip flop Mike is at it again, hopefully for the last in 2008

Goodbye 2008, welcome to 2009!

P.s. No specific new year resolutions for 2009 but polishing up my 2008 entry to NaNoWriMo will be one of them.

Read Also

2009 – The New Rules

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