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Malaysia 101: Race Based Community United For Charming Reasons3 min read

United Unity

(It is better for us if we are more united as a country instead of as a specific race, controlled by a political party with hidden agenda. Image source:

Frankly, I have not been following up on MIC lately – after all, it is nothing but a “gone with the wind”, one-man show political party.

What the head honcho of the party says matters little these days especially when he is struggling to keep his hands on the president’s seat and opts to simply sack those who question him.

But this one caught my eyes:-

The will spearhead the consolidation of the Indian community in a bid to strengthen the party’s power base and bargaining power with the government, party president Datuk Seri S. said on Monday.

He said the MIC, being the third largest political party in the Barisan Nasional (BN), has to lead the consolidation process to ensure that the party becomes “a much stronger voice” for the community.

“The time and political situation in the country demand that we unite or risk breaking up further into many groups which, in the end, will only make the community lose its strength,” he said in a statement here.


Here is one good example of the past the shelf life ideology in work – that all need to be categorised and united based on their racial make-up. And for each race, there must be a political party representing it.

For the “Indians” to be united, it looks like according to Samy, there is no other choice but MIC. Oh, you meant the champions who played out the Indians in a mega scam called Maika?

And why we should go back to MIC?

We have given the party plenty of chances in the past – long before we had multiple-race political parties like PKR & DAP. Samy Vellu has been a powerful Minister under 2 Prime Ministers and under Mahathir, he and MIC were rather “untouchable” when it comes to representing the Indians in Malaysia.

But despite that, Samy and his powerful party must have done something “great” that saw the emergence of an Indian pressure group called and the unprecedented street protests by ordinary Malaysians.

Samy says “risk breaking up further into many groups which, in the end, will only make the community lose its strength”. That is bullshit.

It is high time we break this racial barrier (created and consistently enforced by politicians for dubious reasons) and be more united as Malaysians.

This is because we need to ask – are we Malaysians that disunited and now need, of all the people, MIC to unite us back? Or are we more aware of the bullshit that the party been spewing and how the community has been falling back in many areas since Samy took over the party?

We all can see the real intention to call for unity – we are not dungus. If the call for all to be united for the benefit of a specific community – Samy could have done something even better and simpler – gracefully resign and come clean on what he did on the Telekom shares.

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