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Malaysian Politics 101: New Found Care In State of Selangor?6 min read

Misi Tawan Selangor

(What is the real mission of “Misi Tawan “? Want to wrestle back the state for the good of the people in Selangor or to continue the nonsense that happened before the last general election? Image source: Suara Johore Online)

I guess to portray a bad image of someone; you can try to make as much noise as possible and hope that the real facts get drown in the background noise.

Memorandum to the Sultan

Selangor BN has been quite sore ever since they lost one of the “wealthiest” states in Malaysia, so this piece of news was not a big surprise:-

Selangor Youth will send a memorandum to the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, on Thursday on the sand and issues in the state.

State Barisan deputy chairman Datuk Seri Noh Omar said the memorandum to be sent to Istana Kayangan here, would appeal to the Sultan to advise the Selangor government not to risk the state’s future merely for its own political interest.

Another 17 ceramah will be held until Aug 8 as part of the ‘Save Selangor” roadshow which will also raise issues such as the alleged lies by PKR advisor Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, controversy involving Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd and the alleged crisis in the state government.


I never trusted and his justifications to bring Selangor back to BN’s control.

At the end of the day, it is nothing but politics. I am part of Selangor and I just want to ask this Noh Omar one simple question – “What Selangor Pakatan Rakyat have done that is worse than the time Selangor was led by Khir Toyo?”

Let us trace our steps back for a moment.

Illegal Sand Mining Fiasco

Well, that problem had been a pain in the neck even before PR took over the state. So, what’s the big deal?

At least the PR State Government is pressured by the own people to work on this (I did not hear the same when Khir was at the pilot’s seat). BN only came in later – perhaps exhausted of new ideas to go against PR in Selangor.

And talking about BN making a lot of noise on sand mining, here is a piece of disturbing news from the net:-

There apparently is more than meets the eye in Barisan Nasional’s attacks on the Selangor government over the sand-mining issue.

There may be large reserves of tin underneath the sand and BN does not want them discovered while Selangor is under Pakatan Rakyat’s rule, according to a memorandum submitted to the state government by the Sand Mining Operators and Contractors Action Committee, which represents sand-related businesses registered with the state-owned Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd.

The memorandum, signed by the committee’s chairman, Raja Kamaruddin Raja Abdul Wahid, urged the state not to give in to BN’s demands.


It may just be the case of sand contractors trying to protect their source of income but then again, what if what they are saying is true? Whatever the reason may be, eliminating illegal sand mining activities in the State is not an easy matter.

What remains to be seen is how effective the PR led State Government is in managing the sand mining in the state and coming down hard on illegal miners.

Unresolved Water Disruptions

Are you saying that there was no water disruption issue whatsoever during ‘s time? Are you sure, Noh? Still recall Bukit Cerakah? Is it due to the blatant development of water catchment areas during the BN’s time that the State may face a water crisis now?

And it is not like the PR State Government is not aware of the potential water crisis:-

Khalid insisted that there would be sufficient water supply to meet the demands of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur consumers up to the year 2019, based on expert consultations and their calculations of population growth rate, past and present water consumption rates, current production capacity, and water levels in the dams.

He also cautioned against pushing through a large, lucrative contract like the Pahang-Selangor water transfer, saying that it that would incur further national debt, and recommended instead that the project be implemented in 2016.

Khalid had also suggested four alternatives to meet growing water demands instead of the costly Pahang-Selangor water transfer project.

He called for an increased promotion of water recycling, including rainwater harvesting; the exploration of alternative sources of water, such as water from rivers and lakes; and underground water technologies.

Khalid also cited the need to reduce the current high non-revenue water (NRW) rate from 35 per cent to below 20 per cent, and to improve the inter-connectivity of water supply by ensuring a more efficient water transfer from the northern to the southern region of Selangor.


Is the transfer of water from Pahang the only option available for Selangor?

Any Plan B in the pocket?

What happens if Pahang also faces a water crisis in the future (PR claims that Pahang plan is not a viable solution & there is a conflict of interest) – so where that leaves Selangor?

PR Government is right to push on alternatives for now – they should implement the alternatives and see the impact. They should strive for a long term plan on the water resources in the State.

There seems to be a concerted effort by BN to portray PR as being very reckless with the management of water. But are they? If you still recall, in 2009 there was a proposal from the State Government to take over the various water operators in the State but guess who went and sabotaged it?

Final Say

PR State Government is not perfect; I have to admit that – they have their faults especially when it comes to getting all the 3 component political parties to work together and agree on the policies and directions. Finger-pointing and dissatisfaction by the PR politicians among each other in the open can be a serious “pain in the neck” for those who voted them in.

But at least, they are more accountable than the previous Government. The State’s Select Committee on Competency, Accountability and Transparency have done a fine job unearthing abuses of power and funds by both BN & PR and that should keep everyone on their toes.

And finally, at least under PR, I don’t see the current MB going off to Disneyland with his family and his maids using the state’s funds or seeing any PR assemblymen building palaces and show their middle finger to the authorities at the same time. At least some of the nonsense has stopped.

2 thoughts on “Malaysian Politics 101: New Found Care In State of Selangor?6 min read

  1. There’s nothing new here. BN/UMNO, when they were ruling the state for so many years, they committed worse things than what they alleged the PR government are now doing. Imagine the millions of Malaysian Ringgit already pocketed by the BN/UMNO people, their cronies and relatives and compare them to what they allege the PR government has taken since they took over in 2008. I don’t know if their allegations against the PR government are true but I know that the former BN/UMNO people, their cronies and relatives, have pocketed millions over the years!

    Whatever it is, no government should be doing things that do not benefit the people and the state.

    Best regards.


    1. We are thinking the same – Noh Omar should have made the same noise when BN was leeching away in Selangor otherwise he should keep his mouth shut now.

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