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February 2012

Clean Elections 101: Is PM Talking Cock?

election cock talking PM language

(With elections around the corner, expect more incidents of talking cock to be sprouting out from the foamy mouth of the many half-past-six politicians around the country and on a more regular basis too. Image source:

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Crime Index 2012: The Blitzkrieg on Fake African Students

africa students

In a way, a positive development in the fight against fake Africa students…

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(By all means, we welcome foreigners for the benefit of education, business and tourism sectors but what we do not welcome is them ending up as a menace and start committing a crime in this country)

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Malaysian’s Great Debate 2012: Chua Soi Lek – Lim Guan Eng Debate Circus

debate funny cartoon

(The built-up to the debate between 2 political parties that represented the Chinese community with elections just around the corner somehow fizzled out when the debate actually started and it deteriorated further on there onwards. Image source: The Week)

Generally, the whole much-hyped debate between 2 giants, to put delicately – sucked!

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