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Mixing Cows & Coconuts

coconut religion school education

It does not matter if you are breaking it for fun or for a deep sense of devotion but it is high time we reconsider breaking up coconuts in insane numbers on public roads. Imagine driving your car over this minefield and you will understand why we need to reconsider this. Image:

God, I am sure, is happy with the breaking of one coconut. It is the substance that counts and not the form.

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Customer Service 101: When Service Really Sucks!

customer service

(I have walked off from restaurants couple of times before when there was no service or when my orders delivered late but it was a bit hard difficult to do the same when you have a family in tow. Image source:

Don’t mind me, it has been sometime since I bitched about at a or is it is because it is the weekend again.… [Click to read the rest] “Customer Service 101: When Service Really Sucks!”

Governance 101: Whack The Wrongdoers Hard, Please!


(Here lies the problem with governance – some people have no sense of responsibility whatsoever just because they are spending money that does not belong to them and they know that if they can waste the taxpayer’s money without any care or prudence, they will not be punished even if it was reported by the Auditor General. Image source:

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Childhood Memories: Part 25 – My First And Only Precious Bicycle

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(Long before mountain bicycles, you still remember the BMX madness in the 1990s? Back then I did not know BMX stood for bicycle motocross, instead, I thought it was a brand. I think there should be a rule that all kids should be able to ride a bicycle at least one point of childhood life. Image source:

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World Affairs 101: Syrian War – Can Never Trust Them, Eh?


(We all seriously has a concrete financial plan for the country when it comes to empowerment of its people and the economy and not doing for the sake of his own political survival in the upcoming political party elections. As taxpayers, no one wants to see their hard-earned money down the toilet on short-sighted financial plans. Image source:

Sorry for starting with something “international” this week – Malaysia’s political circus show hardly makes a dent on the front pages at where I am now.

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Cost of Living 101: Another Petrol Price Hike…


(What we see whenever the Government increase the price of essentials like petrol and ask the taxpayers to change their lifestyle – a burden that we are  willing to share provided the Government does the same. Image source:

I have been quite busy with work this week and the recent news from tanahair did not sound that good too. From the massive water disruption in the Klang Valley on Merdeka Day to the from the BN and to my son have a bad cough for the last few days.

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Democracy 101: A Good Parliamentary Debate


(The parliament is certainly not THE place for any funny . The House of Commons in session and in a good mood for a debate over ‘s motion on . Although not all the MPs had the opportunity to speak their mind on the motion, whoever did managed, left a positive impression on the viewers. Image source: the Net)

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Random Thoughts 101: Don’t You Feel Like…


Sometimes when you read the headlines and on the state of the nation, don’t you feel like looking down in sheer frustration and then look up and say a silent prayer? Image source: Inc.

Yes, no doubt there other positive things to look out for – a roof over your head, good health, lovable family and friends, good job with enough pay to take care of your family and live rather comfortably.… [Click to read the rest] “Random Thoughts 101: Don’t You Feel Like…”

Democracy 101: The King And I


(Yul Brynner as the majestic King of Siam in the classic movie King and I – he was born to play the role. Can you image what would have happened if a group of people walked up to the palace and demanded the to be replaced with their “a bit-lost” leader? They would have arrested immediately and hanged for high treason. Image source:

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Random Thoughts 101: Be Outraged But Be Fair Too


(Being outrage on something is not confined to Islam and Muslims alone. Everyone has a right to protest and be angry if anyone belittle and insults one’s beliefs & faith but there must be a sense of reasonableness and fairness too. Have you done the right things and be fair to others? Image source:

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Crime Index 2013: Multiple Shootings in Malaysia


(The biggest headache related to crime for the nation at the moment – we have multiple shooting and on the loose. The next question is whether it is just a tip of the iceberg in the wave of crime confronting the country. Image source:

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Crime Index 2013: Malaysia Becoming Latin America Gangland


(Business Insider last year reported that 20 out of the top 50 dangerous cities lies in Latin America and that itself speaks for the level of from that region. If left unchecked and the severity of the issue is taken for granted, this country will be overrun by them and Malaysia would end up as one of the most dangerous places to be in. Image source:

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