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Indelible Ink: Most Expensive Food Colouring?

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Indelible Ink

(In the end, it was nothing but just a food colouring? Didn’t we paid RM7.1 million for it? Cartoonist Zunar – Malaysiakini say it all)

Here’s one to digest for your lovely weekend.

It is an interesting article in Malaysiakini (reproduced at Anwar Ibrahim Blog) on the issue of indelible used in the last general election. Considering that there has been a greater call for the EC chief to step down and too many complaints against the quality of the in the last elections makes this a good reading.

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Environment 101: Haze, The Smoke Gets In My Eyes, Again!

smoke haze

(The hotspot in Indonesia is a yearly affair and it somehow the haze had become “tolerable” when by right it should not be the case. The above when Singapore faced the worst from the slash & burn activities in Indonesia. Image source:

Read More »Environment 101: Haze, The Smoke Gets In My Eyes, Again!

Tech News 101: The Symbian is FINALLY dead!

symbian nokia n8

( monocoque case – that is what grabs you when you see a powered for the first time. That’s what happened to me and it became my first smartphone and it remained until it was clear that it’s OS, Symbian^3 will no longer be developed with new releases. Image source:

My venture to smartphones probably triggered by an incident at a car park – the parking attendant with dirty short pants & flip-flops was updating his status on Facebook with an iPhone. It then occurred to me that the age of the smartphone is already here and somehow I had missed catching the boat.

Read More »Tech News 101: The Symbian is FINALLY dead!

Crime Index 2013: Criminals Not Fear of the Law?

crime criminal

(Considering how criminals these days being bold on their act, this may look funny but it is hardly a laughing matter, especially when it is not safe to venture out these days. Psst, the whole ATM machines still get “screwed” to this day. Image source:

Read More »Crime Index 2013: Criminals Not Fear of the Law?

Governance 101: Damn Those Shoddy Roadworks!

roadworks repair

(For proper roadwork, the right way to do a patch for potholes – instead of covering only the hole, cut a bigger area and patch in the right way and follow up on the patchwork. How many times you have seen this in the Bolehland? Image source:

Read More »Governance 101: Damn Those Shoddy Roadworks!

Know Your Car Basics 101: Dumbass Mechanic 2


Read the first instance here

(The last thing I expected to see on any car is the and that too on a well maintained new car. But I understand that over time all things will deteriorate and breaks down. The important thing is to get it fixed on time and without much hassle. The last thing we need is a dumbass in the equation. Image source:

Read More »Know Your Car Basics 101: Dumbass Mechanic 2

Ilaiyaraaja: Project “Then, Now & Forever” 2013

Western classical is perspective – look at the number of people involved in a symphony! Our traditional music is lonely –

ilaiyaraaja sp bala s janaki old photo

A very young Ilaiyaraaja with the very talented SP Bala and S. Janaki in the early during a recording session. Image source: The Federal

As long I could remember, I have been listening to Ilaiyaraaja music since I was still young and started to have an appreciation of his style of music – all the way from the (you are aware that Annakili was not his first and that he had to impress the producer Panchu Arunachalam by singing a song that his mother sang and using the table as a music instrument?) to his latest flick in “Neethane En Ponvasantham” – thanks to my Dad who was a big fan of Ilaiyaraaja (Ilaiyaraaja means the “younger” Raja – that is because the music industry already had another named Raja – the famed A.M. Raja).

Read More »Ilaiyaraaja: Project “Then, Now & Forever” 2013

Prepping in Malaysia 101: Creating Doomsday Store Room

prepping storeroom doomsday house

(The canned food in the . Having enough food and clean drinking water for the family draws the highest priority on my list but of course, looking for storage place without it is left on the open is fast becoming an issue – I blame this on housing developers not having basement as a standard design in this country. It’s time to be highly creative with storage. Image source:

Read More »Prepping in Malaysia 101: Creating Doomsday Store Room