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May 2014

On A Critical & Tense Tour of Duty, Again

tour of duty

(Another tour of duty – caught this shot with my phone on the way for an overseas trip. Somehow I had the dread thoughts of MH370 but all ended well when nothing out of the ordinary happened and we landed safely)

Firstly sorry for missing out on the regular posts for past 2 weeks. You see, it is the time of the year when I clean up my drawers in the office, prepare the monthly budget for my wife, hunt for new clothes / shoes and prepare myself for a painful good-byes to my kids (my precious ones in an eerie Gollum voice).

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Religion 101: Oh No, Darwin Been Banned in Malaysia


(Book on Darwin is banned in Malaysia. What is the criteria to ban a book? What constitutes a great endangerment of public harmony? It gets rather ugly when a book is banned just because it goes against one’s personal values and beliefs. Cartoon source:

Still, saying that the implementation of hudud will not impact the non-Muslims? Well, think again.

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Religion 101: Hudud – 1 Country, 2 Sets of Laws


( – should Islamic law take over precedent over conventional law if the conventional already exist and been applied by the courts of the country? Why not improve on the existing laws and enforce it instead of bringing in another set of law that does not apply to all? Why reinvent the wheel? Cartoon source: The Net)

The issue of hudud have been in the news lately and there have been plenty of statements made in public and by various parties including politicians from both side of the fence, supporting for or opposing the implementation of hudud.

Read More »Religion 101: Hudud – 1 Country, 2 Sets of Laws