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April 21, 2020

Lock Down In Malaysia 2020: Day 34 – The Ugly Side of Double Standards

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From crisis management readiness started way back in December 2019, have done a rather effective management of the crisis with strict lock down & continuos testing – the number of active cases has continued to reduce from a peak 2596 on 5th April 2020 to 2,103 as at 19th April 2020. In total, 3,197 people have recovered from coronavirus infection making a recovery rate of 59.32%. Compared to other neighbours, Malaysia is doing more testing indeed. Graph source: Our World in Data.

Indonesia on the other hand, where some Indonesians were not happy when Datuk Dr Musa Nordin tagged the country as a time bomb of pandemic has registered 6,575 cases with 582 deaths and 686 recoveries. The recovery rate at this point is 10.43%. They are just shy away from Singapore who has 6,588 confirmed cases.

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