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History 101

This category covers posts related to the history

Childhood Memories: Part 12 – History of My Beloved Grandma

childhood grandma

(Thankfully most of us did not spend our childhood times during the tough times during World War 2 – Image source:

My grandmother – from my mother’s side is about 75 now (75 or 70, she can’t recall for she is not sure which year she was born).

She was born in Malaysia (Malaya back then), lived in Taiping where her father (my great grandfather) had a grocery shop (which meant they had rice for meals). She had a sister and 2 brothers and thanks to her father’s resourcefulness, the whole family survived through the Japanese occupation during the War World 2 (not making any trouble with the Japanese helped too).

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History 101: How To Unite Malays (Part 2)

Austronesian history race malay

(Austronesians were the first humans in history to invent ocean-going sailing technologies, which allowed them to colonize a large part of the Indo-Pacific region. Image source: Reddit)

While it is true that a large number of Austronesians are of the Muslim faith (but not in the greater Polynesia), it is also important to note, that (in South East Asia) the majority of them converted en masse during the late 19th Century just prior to the Krakatau Volcanic explosion.

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History 101: How To Unite Malays (Part 1)

History Malay Race

(Johann Friedrich Blumenbach (11 May 1752 – 22 January 1840) was a German physician, naturalist, physiologist, and anthropologist. He was one of the first to explore the study of the human being as an aspect of natural history. His teachings in comparative anatomy were applied to his classification of human races, of which he claimed there were five, Caucasian, Mongolian, Malayan, Ethiopian, and American. Text and Image source: Wikipedia)

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