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History 101

This category covers posts related to the history

History 101: Interesting Facts of US Presidential Inaugurations

Old Photo US President Abraham Lincoln Inaugurations

Photo of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln standing under the cover at the centre of Capitol steps during his inauguration in Washington, D.C., on March 4, 1861. The scaffolding at the upper right was used in the construction of the Capitol dome. Image source: Denver Post

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Childhood Memories: Part 13 – The Adventures of Tintin

tintin comic

(Tintin and his friends always on adventures that capture the imagination of young lads like me. Image source:

When I was in my secondary school, this comic book – The Adventures of Tintin series was one of the most sought out “books” in the school library (ya, we had a good collection of comic books in library and we often read them just before the examinations to release tensions).

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Youtube Classic 101: World’s Largest Record Collection

Paul Mawhinney Record Largest

(The man and his huge record collection – Image source: Gizmodo)

It is a story about a man and his world largest record collection. Paul Mawhinney has 3 million records & 300,000 CDs, some in pristine condition and some probably is the only copy in the world. Paul is 69 years old and is not in good health.

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