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History 101

This category covers posts related to the history

Childhood Memories: Part 6 – The Tough Hike On Multiplications

multiplication math

(Now it is easy to use the calculator to do multiplication but when we were small, we have learned this by heart and we will be punished severally if we make a mistake. Image source: Pinterest)

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Childhood Memories: Part 5 – The Scary Deer Head At Grandma’s House

deer wall grandma house childhood

My grandmother’s house was heaven on earth but there is one thing that I am truly afraid of is the huge deer head on the wall high up in the living room. Image source: Pxfuel

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Childhood Memories: Part 4 – Going To Bloody War With Wooden Guns

wooden gun war childhood

When I was young and my parents could not afford to buy us toys, we had to contend with making our own wooden toys. One of the “usual” toys that we often make is the wooden gun. I know paint-brush skills suck! A very rough blueprint of the wooden gun looks like the above.

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