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Malaysian Government 2021: Unimpressive, Underperformed Cabinet Lineup

Cabinet Bloomberg Sabri

A snapshot from Bloomberg on Sabri’s “new” cabinet is very damaging because it is an important publication for foreign investors does not look good. One should note keywords like  “old baggage” and “not a promising beginning”. It is an opportunity missed to make a difference. Image source: TwitterRead More »Malaysian Government 2021: Unimpressive, Underperformed Cabinet Lineup

Malaysian Government 2020: New Cabinet Line up, Some Hits & Misses


Muhyiddin Yassin announced his cabinet back on 9th March 2020 – it is an oversized cabinet with many familiar faces from 55 under Pakatan to 70 under the new coalition. The question of whether it is a better line-up than the one under Pakatan. Image source: Malay Mail

Read More »Malaysian Government 2020: New Cabinet Line up, Some Hits & Misses

Governance 101: Now Anybody Can Fly Free On Taxpayers Money?


(Whether it is a private jet or a public abuse of trust and power – such nonsense cannot be tolerated at any level even for a high ranking politician’s wife. Just because it is approved by the Cabinet, don’t these people who fly have some internal conscience or they are just corrupt to the core? They must be counting their blessings that they are not in China. Cartoon source: Zunar @ Malaysiakini)

Read More »Governance 101: Now Anybody Can Fly Free On Taxpayers Money?