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World Mysteries 101: UVB-76 – The Ghostly, Strange Radio Station

Russia UVB-76 Radio Cold War Soviet Spy

, often referred to as “The Buzzer,” is a notorious station that broadcasts a repetitive buzzing , which has been transmitting since the late 1970s. The signal, typically consisting of a short buzz tone repeating at a steady rate, is occasionally interrupted by voice messages in Russian. While the exact purpose of UVB-76 remains a subject of speculation, it is widely believed to be linked to the Russian , serving as a means of communication or a method for testing the network’s readiness. Image source: Slavorum)

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MH370: Was Air Traffic Control Deliberately Misled?


Tomorrow marks the 6th anniversary of 370 () that went missing flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, China. Till today, there have been a wide range of theories and conspiracies thrown in the wind but the plane is yet to be found. Image source: Pinterest.

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MH370: Oh Wait! Listen to This!

(Presenting the Prime Ministerrrrrr, no Najib is the PM, oh well, presenting the First Lady of Malaysiaaaa, errr no as well, the Queen is the First Lady of Malaysia…oh never mind. The fact is this is a very very touching moment indeed but it is an overkill to overdo it. Image source: The Star)

Hmmm, you noticed something?

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History 101: World Trade Center, After 911 Tragedy

World Trade Center New York 911

(It may not be the same but the new Trade Center will bring closure and sense of new hopes for New Yorkers and with a memorial in between, keeping the thoughts of those who perished in the forever in our hearts. Photo by Thomas Svensson from Pexels)

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