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History 101: Justice Bao: A Symbol of Fairness and Justice

Justice Bao China Judge Law History Drama

“Justice Bao,” a Taiwanese television series spanning 236 episodes, originally broadcast on the Chinese Television System (CTS) between February 1993 and January 1994, featured the renowned Taiwanese actor Jin Chao-chun. He portrayed the iconic and intrepid official Bao Zheng from the Song dynasty, bringing to life the tales of justice and integrity that have resonated through time. Image source: Youtube

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Environment 101: Toilets -When Some Malaysians Unfairly Laugh At India

India Toilet Akshay Kumar Movie

India is often criticized by some Malaysian commenters for its lack of toilets, which is a serious issue that has been addressed by various initiatives and even a movie. However, these commenters tend to ignore that other countries including Malaysia also face sanitation challenges. Therefore, it is unfair and biased to single out India for this problem without acknowledging the broader context and the efforts made to solve it. Image source: IMDB

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General Elections 2022: Pakatan’s Action Plan – Positive & Direct Part 1

Pakatan Harapan Action Plan Election 2022 Manifesto

Pakatan Harapan has come up with very thoughtful and well-researched action plans in place of the election manifesto and with people like Razifi Ramli behind the drive, it is highly that these action plans will not be half-cooked, unrealistic promises by the previous Pakatan Harapan Government under Dr. M. Image source: Kita Boleh

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