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Environment 101: Clueless Kelantan PAS & Humourless Water Resource Management

Water Treatment Nature Kelantan

The State of Kelantan seems to be having a huge problem converting raw river water into clean to end consumers that meet international standards. However, this is not a question of luxury but a necessity given the demands of the growing population. It is a basic need of everyone. This is why it is very important to plan & manage these natural resources well.

Image source: Ahmed, Minhaz & Mokhtar, Mazlin & Alam, Lubna & Mohamed, Che Abd Rahim & Choo Ta, Goh. (2019). Non-carcinogenic Risk Assessment of Aluminium Ingestion Via Water in Malaysia. Exposure and Health. 11. 10.1007/s12403-019-00297-w.

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Environment 101: The Big Flood Crisis & Serious Look At Prepping

1971 Flood Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Natural Disaster

After 50 years, saw another major that started on a fine Saturday and lasted for several days thereafter making it one of the worst natural disasters in recent years. The last time we saw massive floods that crippled the country was back in 1971 that saw 32 people lose their life. The recent flood saw a loss of 41 deaths so far and the was heavily criticised for the lack and slow response to the flood. Image source: Reddit

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Devastating Chennai Floods 2015 & Art of Prepping

prepping chennai flood water ration

Let’s talk about which is another key aspect of this blog (the other is how Malaysians drive on the road and of course politics) and on the recent disaster in Chennai, India. Image source:

Read these first:-

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Ending The Year 2014 On A Positive Note!

2014 najib golf

(Not everyone can be the PM – very, very hard at “work” overseas in 2014. Some had said that there is nothing wrong for a leader to take a break. Well, that is correct but not when the country is seeing one of the worst floods around. The big mamma still on holiday, its so seems – no one had seen her wading through the high water in downtown Kota Bahru. Image source)

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