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Hishammuddin Hussein

Elections 101: Bersih 2.0, Brilliant Quotes of the Day

bersih najib election

(This is how Najib should have reacted to Bersih 2.0 in the first place. If he had done that, he would have been hailed as a hero and someone who is willing to listen to calls for real change. Image source:

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Elections 101: Bersih 2.0, The Paranoia Had Started

Bersih 2.0 rally election protest

With the Bersih rally to be held soon, I guess one becomes very paranoid all over when one enters the Home Ministry. But with 2.0, it has gone beyond the realms of paranoia to an extent where wearing certain coloured T-shirts could get you arrested.

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Religion 101: Nasty Cow Head & Missing Racial Harmony

Cow Head Religion Protest Shah Alam

(When I first saw the image of a dead cow head as part of a religious protest on the net, my initial thoughts was ‘Oh God, don’t tell me that this happened in Malaysia – what these jokers are trying to prove?”. Image source:

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