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Overseas Assignment 2012: Myanmar Adventure Part 3 – Terrible Food Poisoning

Myanmar Food Poison

This will be the final part of the series where it all went wrong for me in Myanmar and for something I dreaded from the beginning of the trip and whenever I am away from the comfort of home – food poisoning. To be frank, one cannot run away from an upset stomach when travelling overseas namely due to hygiene and cooking methods which will be different from what one has at home.

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Outbreak 2021: How Far We Have Gone With COVID19 Vaccination in Malaysia?

COVID19 vaccination chart vaccine

It is said that as of 11th April 2021, more than 789 million people from 185 countries have undergone vaccination. Of which, United Kingdom is leading the pack with 47.32% of the population already been vaccinated closely followed by the US with 35.65%. Chart source: Our World In Data

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Outbreak 2021: Part 2 Unexpected COVID19 Scare At The Office

COVID19 Alex

Continuing from Part 1 where one of my colleague who got COVID19 infection, the good news is he and his wife were got discharged from the hospital after got clearance from the doctor. He shared his experience and the nightmare of being infected with COVID19.

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