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Hindraf Rally 2007: Not the End of the Story

Hindraf Indian

The Saturday’s rally came and gone and surprisingly it was well-publicized both locally and internationally. Of course, we may only see one angle of the story in the local media, so try catching a more balanced reporting in the international media and blogs. Image source: Malaysiakini

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Hindraf Rally 2007: Realistic Way Out?

Hindraf Indian

Hindraf, an Indian NGO is proposing to do a rally to hand over a petition to the British High end of this week. You would have also heard (likely in disbelief) of the legal suit against the British for a cool USD4 trillion – that would have made all in millionaires. Image source: Malaysiakini

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Poll result: What is the main reason why Indian community in Malaysia not doing well?

It is an irony that the day I am closing the , I am reading about the downfall of the “Deva Gang” in the newspapers. It is an irony indeed

I wish to thank all who participated on the short poll especially those who added the link in their blog.… [Click to read the rest] “Poll result: What is the main reason why Indian community in Malaysia not doing well?”

Poll: Why Indian community in Malaysia not doing well?

I am doing this on behalf of someone who is preparing an analysis paper on the Indian community. Fire away with your votes. Voting ends on next Monday.

What is the main reason why Indian community in not doing well?
Lack of education opportunities
Lack of among the community
Lack business skills and opportunities
Too much negative influence from media
Lack of motivation and focus
Lack of support from / political parties
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