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Internal Security Act

History 101: Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang – Great & Noble National Contributions Recognised

Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang DAP Parliament

I always regarded Tan Sri Lim Kit Siang as a true Statesman who had only looked at things beyond race & religion and had always fought for the rights of ordinary Malaysians. Here’s the photo of him being sworn in as a Member of Parliament for the first time in 1971 at the age of 30. He was elected in 1969 but Parliament was suspended for two years under an Emergency. Image source: Free Malaysia Today.

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National Security 2011: Is This A Real End of ISA?

ISA Internal Security Act Law Malaysia

(Draconian laws like ISA may finally end but the question is why now and why not in 2009 or in 2010? Any law that allows the Government to hold anyone without any trials, no recourse to the courts and at the sole discretion of certain politicians in power is dangerous, unfair and allows for gross abuse. Image source:

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New Malaysia 101: Positive Case for PR’s 100 Days Plan

PR Pakatan Rakyat Harapan Malaysia

(Pakatan Rakyat or simply known as PR is making its case to the general public that it can make a positive difference if it becomes the Government but we need a more convincing case. Image source:

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