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Kamal Haasan

Indian Cinema 101: Shocked Seeing Double Roles On Screen

sivaji ganesan double indian tamil movie

(Seeing Sivaji Ganesan in action is one thing but seeing the two of them could be a double whammy. Both interacted well on screen but still, there are some limitations as to how both characters blended in on-screen in the old movies when the special effects were still in it’s infant. Image source: Business Line)

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Enforcement 101: How Can MACC Truly Improve?

Kamal Haasan Indian Tamil Movie Senapathy MACC Corruption

(We don’t have Senapathy, the old man who kills corrupt government officials and even his own corrupt son in the 1996 Tamil movie Indian but we have something close called MACC. The question is how far it has been effective in “weeding” out the corruption from the system. Image source: IMDB)

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Tamil Movie Review 101: Dasavatharam 2008, A Showcase of Kamal’s Acting Prowness

Dasavatharam kamalahasan tamil movie virus

(Dasavatharam is basically a tailor-made movie to showcase Kamal’s technical and acting skills and to his credit, he pulled most it rather well. Image source: Youtube)

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