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Malaysia Airlines

MH370: Was Air Traffic Control Deliberately Misled?


Tomorrow marks the 6th anniversary of Airlines 370 () that went missing flying from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing, China. Till today, there have been a wide range of theories and conspiracies thrown in the wind but the plane is yet to be found. Image source: Pinterest.

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MH17 Tragedy 2014: The Final Goodbye For The Departed Part 2


I thought the Dutch had served justice to the victims of the crash and nothing will top that off but I was wrong. (Image source: )

The Malaysian (yes Najib does look this time) may have copied what the have done but it was worth the final send-off & before the bodies were passed back to their families for the final goodbyes.… [Click to read the rest] “MH17 Tragedy 2014: The Final Goodbye For The Departed Part 2”

MH17 Tragedy 2014: Oh My God, Not Another Tragedy!

mh17 MAS tragedy

(What’s left of – a that should not have happened in the first place. Image source: BBC)

I did not believe when I first heard about it. It can’t be true. Someone must have made a mistake. Then the news started to trickle in. It was all gloomy and the outcome did not look well.

Read More »MH17 Tragedy 2014: Oh My God, Not Another Tragedy!

MH370: Oh Wait! Listen to This!

(Presenting the Prime Ministerrrrrr, no Najib is the PM, oh well, presenting the First Lady of Malaysiaaaa, errr no as well, the Queen is the First Lady of …oh never mind. The fact is this is a very very touching moment indeed but it is an overkill to overdo it. Image source: The Star)

Hmmm, you noticed something?

Read More »MH370: Oh Wait! Listen to This!

MH370: The Side Show

It is going to be a week since went missing and yet, we have not lost hope…

Whilst the whole world is anxiously waiting for any positive news for the missing MH370 and the relatives, friends and the of the missing passengers have strongly expressed their dissatisfaction with the sometimes contradictory and lack of information coming out from , they are unfortunately had to deal with this:-

[youtube=]… [Click to read the rest] “MH370: The Side Show”

Leadership 101: MH370 – A Lesson in Crisis Management

– frankly speaking, the last thing we need now is a missing plane…


(I had to pinch myself when I first heard about the missing plane. I flew MAS on a regular basis and I prefer flying on a Boeing 777 than Airbus. Having a missing plane was something that all Malaysian did not expect to hear on a Saturday morning. The disappearance remains a mystery and a multi-country search to date have revealed nothing to date. Image source:

Read More »Leadership 101: MH370 – A Lesson in Crisis Management

Technology 101: Finding The Safest Airplane Seat

airplane seat safest

(Chances of survival in case of a crash – pick your seats wisely – it may even keep you alive in the unlikely situation. Note the irony of things – you pay more for Business Class but your chances of survival are even slimmer. Photo by Sourav Mishra from Pexels)

Read More »Technology 101: Finding The Safest Airplane Seat