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Economy 101: The Small RM0.05 Increase Of Essential Good Price

USD Money wallet essential good price

(The very little money that we earn should be spent only on the essential items but their prices must be reasonable. The same goes for the Government who has access to limited taxpayers money. It should be spent on development and not on some fancy projects or subsidies. Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)

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Economy 101: Taxing Petrol Subsidy Gone But…

Petrol Station Subsidy Malaysia

A long, long time ago, when the petrol price was increased, one “work-with-me” PM vowed to use the RM4 billion saved on petrol subsidy on the development of public transportation. Photo by sergio souza from Pexels

Read More »Economy 101: Taxing Petrol Subsidy Gone But…