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Education 101: Teaching Exciting Maths to Kids

Conrad Wolfram Maths Teaching Mathematics

(Why teaching maths have to be so boring so says Conrad Wolfram who runs the worldwide arm of Wolfram Research, the mathematical lab behind the cutting-edge knowledge engine Wolfram Alpha. Image source: Wikipedia)

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Childhood Memories: Part 6 – The Tough Hike On Multiplications

multiplication math

(Now it is easy to use the calculator to do multiplication but when we were small, we have learned this by heart and we will be punished severally if we make a mistake. Image source: Pinterest)

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It’s all in the numbers!

(This post is not about these “Numbers”. Poster source:

My colleague had an accident couple days ago – her “month old” car was hit from the back.

Being seasoned gamblers investors that we are, the first question that we asked her was “so, what’s your car number?” The next question that was posed was “so, what’s the other car number?… [Click to read the rest] “It’s all in the numbers!”