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GE14 2018: The Day Frustrated Malaysians Made History – Part 2

(It was a war that was not expected to win but they beat the odds – the was indeed a war that they were not expected to win but they did win in the end)

Continued from Part 1

From the offset, the odds in GE14 were stacked up against the Pakatan (PAS somehow had it easier considering their loose working relationship with BN).

Some of the key opposition politicians were charged with criminal cases or misuse of power – Rafizi with BAFIA and Lim Guan Eng with charged under Section 23 of the Malaysian Anti- Commission () Act 2009, which carries a maximum jail term of 20 years and a fine of no less than five times the amount or value of the gratification, or RM10,000, whichever is higher, upon conviction.

If they are found guilty, it is likely that they will not be able to run for the next General .

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Event 2018: Some Good Things & Some Tragedies So Far


(Miracle do happen! Karma does exist! For the first time in history, in the opposition will form the Federal and take extra states compared to the last . It’s is time to clean up the nation and enforce the rule of law. Photo source: NSTP)

I can’t believe that I last blogged back in September 2017 – time does flies fast when one is not looking

Well, it is not that I had lost interest in blogging (I still do drafts now and then but don’t have the time to complete them) but I found that given the very little time that I have apart from & family, typing on issues and events over the social media & instant messages (, Twitter and the countless Groups) is more convenient (just hit the “Share” button and your message gets through) compared to blogging which takes time as I tend to do more research and review the drafts over and over again.

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Space 101: A Long, Long Way from Beautiful Pluto


The spacecraft which had reached the planet Pluto (yes, it is a planet now) is now one of the fastest man-made craft with a relative velocity of 49,600 km/h – the record is still held by Voyager 1, currently travelling at 61,720 km/h relative to the Sun. Poster source:

We have passed the half of this year and considering what we have gone through so far, one hopes that the year would end sooner than expected. But before that, when it comes to the topic of science and space, 3 things would have made the year 2015 very sweet indeed.

One would be the NASA spacecraft New Horizons passes by .

And frankly speaking, Pluto never looked so beautiful before this and with radio signals taking four and a half hours to between the spacecraft and Earth, the spacecraft can only transmit data at 1 to 2 Kbps, which means that the transmission of all data (for last 10 years) will require sixteen months (source: Wikipedia).

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 30 October 2014


(Some snippets for this week. Hello friend, feeling jet-lag ah? This what happens if you fly too many times on tax payers money and do most of your “” from overseas and leaves the country to run on auto pilot. Image The Net)

The post was originally slated to be posted last week (or was it the week before that? I can’t recall) but after half way through drafting it, I fell asleep. By the time, I had time to complete my draft, I had other thoughts and decided to start fresh again. You see, I am away on another assignment and the vicious cycle had started all over again.

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Old Photos – Part 3

Before we proceed with this week’s short post, there are 3 things I wanted to say aloud.

First is Waytha, after the hunger strike stunt that he pulled before the and got his MOU with had now resigned – he rightfully deserved it, if you ask me. The way to go is to stop fighting for rights and benefits based on racial lines and do so more on poverty lines so that all races in this country will fairly benefit from it.… [Click to read the rest] “Old Photos – Part 3”

Malaysian Economy 101: Kangkung Factor



(Among the many funny things posted on ‘s statement that the price of had gone down, this stands in my mind as the funniest bit. I just love Ronald’s face on the second photo – it looks like he had answered too many phone calls asking for McKangkung. Images source: )

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Cost of Living 101: Another Petrol Price Hike…


(What we see whenever the Government increase the price of essentials like petrol and ask the taxpayers to change their lifestyle – a burden that we are  willing to share provided the Government does the same. Image source:

I have been quite busy with this week and the recent news from tanahair did not sound that good too. From the massive water disruption in the Klang Valley on Merdeka Day to the from the BN and to my son have a bad cough for the last few days.

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Governance 101: Wasteful & Short-Sighted Again


(In the Global Competitiveness Report 2010–2011, ranks 25 out of 139 countries where public spending & governance is somewhat better managed than the rest but then again, if one reads deeper into the report, Malaysia’s ranking is only 4.2 out of the full 7 on the mark. We are no where close to our neighbour down south who ranks at the top at 6.1 despite their limited natural resources, human resource and living space)

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New Malaysia 101: Positive Case for PR’s 100 Days Plan

PR Pakatan Rakyat Harapan Malaysia

(Pakatan Rakyat or simply known as PR is making its case to the general public that it can make a positive difference if it becomes the Government but we need a more convincing case. Image source:

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Malaysia 101: Fine Dealing With Some Two Minded Civil Servants

slogan najib civil servant

(“People First, Performance Now,” says the where like this look good on paper but matter little to civil servants who suppose to be upholding such slogans. Image source: Slides Share)

With the advent of technology, my wife having a car on her own and me having to fly out very often, it has been some time since I had to face a for something really important.

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