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National Security 101: Spotlight on African Menace

africa crime nigerian

(Still, remember the audacity of Africans to fight the local authorities in Mantin? Does it not count as a serious threat to national security? Image source)

Whilst we welcome genuine Africans students to come over and get their higher education to better themselves and their country, we do not want criminals in disguise as students to come over and start creating problems and commit serious crimes here. And regrettably, the number of the menace caused by these Africans seems to be on a worrying trend.

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Enforcement 101: Ops Sikap, Authorities Should Be Blamed Too

mat rempit enforcement menace motorcyclist skinning ops sikap

(One reason why we need to enforce Ops Sikap – it looks like a plague, idiots on the road without helmet creating a nuisance and endangering others and the worse ones even have young kids on the motorcycle. Image source:

Update: I guess it is unfair to point the fingers at the police alone although they do handle the bulk of the enforcement since there are other agencies involved namely JPJ who handle licensing & training and JKJR who handle the overall coordination and road safety-related activities

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Enforcement 101: Dumb Motorcyclists, Skinning Them Alive

mat rempit enforcement menace motorcyclist skinning

(The problem with some dumb motorcyclists is that they think that they are invincible especially when they are not wearing any helmets. Initially, I felt the same way too but I recognize that it was nothing but a mirage – unlike those driving cars, you have nothing to protect you from serious injuries. That is why I always ride sensibly and with a good measure of protection – proper jacket, gloves and helmet and abiding traffic rules all the time. Image source: Perak Today)

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