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History 101: New British Royalty and Growing Call for It’s Abolishment

Queen Elizabeth III British Royalty Monarch

One has to say that it was an end of an era in British history when Queen Elizabeth II passed away on the 8th of September 2022 after reigning on the crown for more than 70 years. She was 96 years old and the crown will now be handed over to her son, Prince Charles who will finally become King Charles III. Image source: Pedcymro29 Youtube Channel

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World News 101: Hong Kong Peaceful Occupy Central Rally 2014

hong kong

(The first night of the protest in Hong Kong was bad with tear gas & pepper spray on the protestors and this prompted greater support for the rally but it is not something new here. Image source:

Well thing for sure, my trip this time has been screwed up big time and need to be rescheduled. There’s plenty of work that needs to be done and the last thing I need now is for a prolonged public protest and plenty of uncertainty.

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Elections 101: Bersih 2.0 – Where is Loud Mouth Wally?

Bersih Wally Ibrahim Perkasa

(At times like the Bersih rally, it seems OK to have people who talked about and threaten others – they hardly make the impact but it is not acceptable when the person making threats is a Member of Parliament and make seditious statements but remains free from arrests and prosecutions. Image source:

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Religion 101: Nasty Cow Head & Missing Racial Harmony

Cow Head Religion Protest Shah Alam

(When I first saw the image of a dead cow head as part of a religious protest on the net, my initial thoughts was ‘Oh God, don’t tell me that this happened in Malaysia – what these jokers are trying to prove?”. Image source:

Read More »Religion 101: Nasty Cow Head & Missing Racial Harmony