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Elections 101: Sorry Excuse of Lack of Maturity on UNDI18

UNDI18 Election Malaysia Youth

UNDI18 is presently being raised as a critical issue in the country and rightfully too. After all, one can say that age is just a number and does not necessarily reflect the level of wisdom and maturity. Image source: Pinterest

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Economy 101: Best of Ferengi’s Rules of Acquisition

ferengi rules of acquisition economy business

Before I started watching Star Trek Deep Space Nine over Netflix, the Ferengi must have been one of the ugliest, most snobbish and profit-minded alien race in the Star Trek universe. But then watching Quark in Star Trek Deep Space Nine gave another interesting perspective on the Ferengis. Image source: Star

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Blogging 101: News Snippets As At 21 September 2017


(Time for some snippets. We all are friends when your enemy is also my enemy. Pakatan Harapan in place of Pakatan Rakyat – they are better organised and led by experienced people in the political area but will they stick together when their individual objective clashes? Image source: The Malaysian Insight)

Hi folks, it has been some time since I last blogged – frankly speaking, I have been spending more time at other places (some DIYs at home, updating my Facebook, watching Youtube, playing games, etc) instead of blogging. But it does not mean I have not been keeping up with the snippets – unfortunately, there are more depressing news snippets on where this country is heading. In fact, this snippet post and the title had been on a draft mode for months and had undergone several edits so don’t be surprised if you are reading very old snippets here.

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Elections 101: Bersih 2.0, Brilliant Quotes of the Day

bersih najib election

(This is how Najib should have reacted to Bersih 2.0 in the first place. If he had done that, he would have been hailed as a hero and someone who is willing to listen to calls for real change. Image source:

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Governance 101: Old School Hard Censorship, Will He Change Too?

change internet minister

(“Trust meeeee and please change, who needs the Internet? It is a Western tool to erode our culture and way of our life.  I know this, I am in charge of information and communications old school! Image source:

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