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Prepping 101: Doomsday Bunker – Part 3: Clean, Good Water & Food Supply

Water disruption tap dry Selangor Bunker

It is said that one can go on without for 30 to 40 days but one will die without in 3 days’ time. So it is imperative that these 2 crucial items are part and parcel of the logistics and is able to sustain the occupants for a very long time. Image source: Photo by PS Photography from Pexels

It also needs to have a good filtration system to ensure the water is clean enough for consumption.

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Prepping 101: 5 Essential Things You Must Have When You Move To New House

wrench set house prepping toolbox hardware

(My favourite set of tools as I can use for both related fixes and also car repairs. It is easy for my kids to use to fix their own cabinets and book selves for their rooms. Image source: Lazada

In the last 2 years, a number of my colleagues, friends and had bought new houses and immediately set on renovation and interior decoration. However with the global pandemic where the future is uncertain, it pertinent for all to revisit on the idea of prepping the house so that you can depend less on others for simple fixes and works.

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Prepping in Malaysia 101: Creating Doomsday Store Room

prepping storeroom doomsday house

(The in the . Having enough and clean drinking for the family draws the highest priority on my list but of course, looking for storage place without it is left on the open is fast becoming an issue – I blame this on housing developers not having basement as a standard design in this country. It’s time to be highly creative with storage. Image source:

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