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Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 24 – Have We Tested Enough People For Coronavirus?


We are indeed living in a new era where we saw medical becoming the forefront of helping millions of people around the world to be tested, contain & recover from a deadly outbreak although unfortunately as to todate 89,900 people have died from the coronavirus.

On the other hand, stupidity & religion has caused so much mess & a surge of new infections in many countries in the last 2 months. Cartoon source: DowntoEarth.Org

Read More »Lockdown in Malaysia 2020: Day 24 – Have We Tested Enough People For Coronavirus?

Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Lessons from Italy, China, South Korea & Russia Part 2

Continuing from Part 1 here

lock down

recorded its highest increase of the COVID-19 cases today with 212 cases to a total of 1,518 cases and 14 deaths. As at now, 943 cases or 63% of the cluster was from the gathering at a mosque in Sri Petaling. The tabligh gathering was held late February when Malaysia already got COVID-19 confirmed cases and medical screening have commenced. Image source: MOH

Read More »Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Lessons from Italy, China, South Korea & Russia Part 2

Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Day 4: Stupidity is Public Enemy No 1

lock down

We are into the 4th day of the lock down and by now, I have more or less found a rhythm working from home although the workplace have been far from comfortable. Despite the lock down, the number of confirmed had continued to increase with 1183 cases with 114 recovered and 8 deaths. Not counting the cross-infection cases, 60% of the infection was from the gathering at a mosque in Sri Petaling. Image source: Outbreak MY

Read More »Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Day 4: Stupidity is Public Enemy No 1