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Tamil Movie Review: Acceptable, Entertaining Kandasamy 2009

tamil movie

We managed to catch the latest Tamil movie blockbuster, Kandasamy in Taiping’s latest cineplex last week or so and since the cineplex was quite new, the seats were comfortable and the sound system was outstanding. Movie poster source: Gaana

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Tamil Movie Review: Excellent, Tragic Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu 2009

vennila kabadi kuzhu tamil movie

(The unknown, always losing team thrown into the limelight of a major kabaddi tournament, aided by a helping professional coach who takes pity on them)

It is interesting and comforting to know that quality Tamil movies are being made these days and one of the gems in the movie titled “Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu” (translated Vennila Kabadi Team)

The Plot

The simple story of the underdogs beating all odds and we all have seen it before in many other movies.… [Click to read the rest] “Tamil Movie Review: Excellent, Tragic Vennila Kabadi Kuzhu 2009”

Tamil Movie Review: Aegan 2008, Ajith’s Passable But Watchable Action Movie

Aegan Ajith tamil movie

(This movie has all the right stuff including 2 of the biggest stars in Tamil cinema industry but as usual, things get screwed up by half cooked storyline and bad directing. All images source: Times of India)

Having nothing much to do on a Monday afternoon (ya, I was on leave), I decided to catch a movie. Any movie would do – I and my wife did not have any preference since it has been some time since we last stepped into a cinema. We did not plan to see a particular movie. All we wanted to do to catch the earliest movie that we could see and leave.

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