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Know Your Car Basics 101: The Tough Move From Proven Michelin To New Goodyear

goodyear michelin car tire

I did not experience this when I was using tires but I noticed this now with the tires. It is said that ageing is the common cause of tire cracking as it is subjected to all sorts of harsh road conditions and weather. Image source: Reddit

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Event Recalled 2016: When the Car Monkeyed Around In the Year of the Monkey

tire sidewall car

(One good way to damage the sidewalls but modern tires is designed to absorb such sudden shocks. Image source:

Last month – on the month of the – had proved to be a rather very expensive month for me as an owner of a .

Firstly I accidentally scraped my left back against the kerb and caused a small portion of the tire sidewall to be sliced off. I know for a fact that whilst you can abuse the main tread and still drive safely, the same cannot be said for the . And it was painful because the tire was still new – barely a year since I last changed it. I took it to 2 different tire shops – the first one looked at it and said it was nothing to worry.

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Know Your Car Basics 101: Do You Listen to Your Car’s Cries?


(The thing that you do not want to see sticking out from your tires. Image source:

Before I start, I was not meaning “listen” in this sense

Couple weeks ago, we suppose to make a trip to Kuantan to visit an elderly aunty who was not feeling well. And to ensure we don’t inconvenient the relatives (who I know don’t have much space in their house), I even booked hotel rooms for the family.

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Know Your Car Basics 101: 5 Factors In Car Tires Maintenance

tire sidewall car

It is sad but many do not know how to take care of their tires (and battery and engine and etc). Improper inflation not only cause high consumption of fuel (a big issue here) and increase the wear & tear of the tires but it also can be very dangerous as it affects the traction control, grip and braking.

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