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Tamil Movie Review: Why 3 Idiots 2009 is Better Than Nanban 2012?

It supposes to be a quick post on Shankar’s but I ended up writing more especially after yesterday I watched again the well made 3 Idiots


(The guy on the far right – your right – seems better than the rest. Trust me, you will be safer watching the original than the “new” idiots in Nanban – they are nowhere close to the beauty of story-telling and acting in 3 Idiots. Poster source: Indiaglitz)

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Outbreak 2009: Deadly H1N1 Virus And The Missing Pieces

Star Anise H1N1 Virus Spice

(As of todate 71 Malaysians have died from the and we have yet to see the end of the pandemic. But it seems like the cure for this pandemic comes from an unusual source. Image source: Wikipedia)

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Health 101: H1N1 Virus, 50 and counting

As at todate, 44,287 cases have been reported all over the world with 180 deaths – the bulk coming from Mexico: 113, US: 44 and Canada: 12 deaths.


(Where are the masks? Image source:

has finally hit 50 confirmed case last week and one can rest assured that it is not going to be the last case. The last reported case was a student in SRJKC – Jalan Davidson in Kuala Lumpur and the authorities have closed the school for a week.

Read More »Health 101: H1N1 Virus, 50 and counting