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Vision 2020

Blogging 101: It Has Been A Challenging Year 2020

COVID19, Testing, Virus, Outbreak, 2020

One has to admit that year have been a very challenging year, not only for the country but for everyone around the world. One main factor that had shaken everyone left, right and centre have been the pandemic. Will things getting better in the coming year 2021? Image source: The Journal of mHealth

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Vision 2020: Within our Sight & Destiny?


(Are we on path to achieve Vision ? The Old Man’s war path with the current , Najib may wins the support from a good number of Malaysians who simply tired with the “wayang kulit” in the issue of 1MDB but then again, didn’t the Old Man had his hands in allowing the seeds of mismanagement, wastage and misdirection of priorities to take hold when he was the PM for 22 years? Food for thought. Image source: Jebat Must Die)

I have mentioned this in several of my blog posts that it is going impossible for us to achieve the developed nation status by year 2020 but when it comes from the horse’s mouth, it does sound pretty serious, doesn’t it?

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Space 101: Next Stop, The Illusive Red Planet?

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Are we on target to visit the ? Given the state of the country as at now, you can safely say that when we celebrate the year , this country would not have achieved the status of a ““. So Dr M’s will remain a vision and will not become a reality, at least in 2020.

For one, religion had taken precedent in key areas of the country and have caused a mismatch of priorities. Instead of us busy with human resource development and preparing the country for a “developed” status, we are busy on which law to use and how holy or religious one must be.

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Malaysia 101: Spreading The Good Name Of The Country Abroad

Rosmah Newspaper Ad Good Name

Just how Kohilan Pillay wants Malaysians to uphold the of the Leaders abroad? By taking expensive ads in the foreign newspapers for their non-elected wives? Image source:

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