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Economy 101: MM2H Programme – The Good, Bad & the Ugly

MM2H Numbers

The Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H) programme, introduced in 2002 by the Malaysian government, is a unique initiative that offers numerous benefits to both the country and its foreign residents. Image source: Possessed Photography on Unsplash

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Economy 101: Pakistan & Sri Lanka Economy Screwed By Dumb Policies & Mismanagement

Economy Currency Sing Dollar Malaysia Ringgit

The curse with Malaysia is that we never had a good Government that managed the country’s economy well and often hard-earned money is spent on dumb fiscal policies & decisions that are designed to consolidate political powers and this often runs along the lines of race and religion. Just see how Singapore’s Dollar has strengthened against Malaysia’s Ringgit in the last 14 years. Chart source: Trading View

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Malaysia 101: The Chopstick Diplomacy, Look For Better Ways To Assimilate Malaysians

merdeka malaysia tunku abdul rahman independence

Just to recap for those who may not be keeping track of the years that had passed by since Malaysia (or rather Malaya) got its independence but it’s sad that after 64 years, we are still talking about assimilating the various races with different religions and cultures into one Bangsa Malaysia. Image source: Wikipedia

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