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Outbreak 2021: How Far We Have Gone With COVID19 Vaccination in Malaysia?

COVID19 vaccination chart vaccine

It is said that as of 11th April , more than 789 million people from 185 countries have undergone . Of which, United Kingdom is leading the pack with 47.32% of the population already been vaccinated closely followed by the US with 35.65%. Chart source: Our World In Data

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Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Lessons from Italy, China, South Korea & Russia Part 2

Continuing from Part 1 here

lock down

recorded its highest increase of the COVID-19 cases today with 212 cases to a total of 1,518 cases and 14 deaths. As at now, 943 cases or 63% of the cluster was from the gathering at a mosque in Sri Petaling. The tabligh gathering was held late February when Malaysia already got COVID-19 confirmed cases and medical screening have commenced. Image source: MOH

Read More »Lock Down in Malaysia 2020: Lessons from Italy, China, South Korea & Russia Part 2

Outbreak 2020: Novel Coronavirus Situation As At 30th January 2020


The 2019-nCoV situation as at 30th January 2020: 171 dead, 143 recovered and 8,236 confirmed cases (the latest – 213 dead and 9,480 confirmed cases).

Compared to 28th January 2020, the fatality rate as at 30th January 2020 had reduced from 2.18% to 2.07% which is good but then again, the recovery rate had also reduced from 1.82% to 1.74%. However if one is using the latest update, the fatality rate has increased to 2.24%. Image source: The Center for Systems Science and Engineering

Read More »Outbreak 2020: Novel Coronavirus Situation As At 30th January 2020

Outbreak Alert 2020: Wuhan Virus Spreads from Human to Human


which originated from Wuhan, China has pneumonia-like symptoms including fever and difficulty breathing, has already spread to Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, as well as South , Thailand, and Japan. 6 people have died todate. source:

Read More »Outbreak Alert 2020: Wuhan Virus Spreads from Human to Human

Health 101: H1N1 Virus, 50 and counting

As at todate, 44,287 cases have been reported all over the world with 180 deaths – the bulk coming from Mexico: 113, US: 44 and Canada: 12 deaths.


(Where are the masks? Image source:

has finally hit 50 confirmed case last week and one can rest assured that it is not going to be the last case. The last reported case was a student in SRJKC – Jalan Davidson in Kuala Lumpur and the authorities have closed the school for a week.

Read More »Health 101: H1N1 Virus, 50 and counting