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Zaid Ibrahim

Governance 101: Democracy Bites The Dust By Datuk Zaid Ibrahim


(Let’s leave issue of democracy, minority rights, race, politics and religion out of school – are we providing the best education method for our kids to survive in the ever changing environment? Image source:

If you have not been having your head in the ground, you will know that the issue of teaching of khat in school especially with the Chinese schools has been the biggest issue in the country lately. Ever since the matter was raised, it simply refuse to die down.

If you ask me, the very idea of having 3 pages of Jawi in the Standard 4 textbooks have been blown out of proportion. At the most, it is public relationship failure to engage the various stakeholders effectively.

It started with the questions like why now, why mandatory & not optional, why it is under Bahasa and not Arts, why the focus on Jawi and not Science & Maths in English, what is the benefit to the students in the end, is it going to replace BM as we know it, is it another way to enforce religion in schools, etc.

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2010 Reflection: Year of the BN


(Never underestimate the power of impressions, more so if it was handled by professionals. Image source:

2010 was unfortunately “their” year but they deserved it – they played their cards rights

One of the few best things that BN under Najib did in 2010 (although it was long, long overdue) was getting a new President for MIC but then again, MIC is old news and the old President did not go away with empty hands.

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Party Elections 101: Yes, It Is Messy, Dirty But Necessary

PKR Parti Keadilan Rakyat Election

(PKR cannot be a one-man-show. At end of the day, it has to rely on committees, rules and procedures. Dr Molly Cheah now heads a nine-member central election committee — made up of ordinary members — who will oversee the party’s first-ever direct elections. Image source: Wikipedia)

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