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August 2005

Know Your Car Basics 101: Upgrading ICE For The Car

project ice car player mp3

Before you think further, ICE means In-Car-Entertainment.

The ICE in my car in the form of my CD player is my life-line whenever I am stuck in a traffic jam or travelling along the North-South Highway. After I bought my trusty Iswara back in 2003, my focus from the very start was to ensure that the ICE is “top-notch” (based on my budget of course).

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Let’s learn chemistry…during shower time

I am not sure you guys but I have learned a lot on chemistry during my showers. For example, now I know that the scientific name for sunflower and corn is helianthus annuus (no double thinking here) and zea mays. This brings back old memory (unpleasant memories actually) from my Form Six Science Stream days when remembering chemical names were just too tough.
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