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Poll result: What is the main reason why Indian community in Malaysia not doing well?

It is an irony that the day I am closing the , I am reading about the downfall of the “Deva Gang” in the newspapers. It is an irony indeed

I wish to thank all who participated on the short poll especially those who added the link in their blog.… [Click to read the rest] “Poll result: What is the main reason why Indian community in Malaysia not doing well?”

Hamburglar – my son’s first impression

Look at the above picture and tell me whether it’s looks frightening or not…No, no…look closely again. Not frightening?

Now look from a 1++ year old point of view.

Last week, me and my wife decided to hop in to McDonalds for a short dinner treat. Firstly we had some McDonald’s coupons Secondly it has been awhile we had McNuggets (used to eat them for lunch and dinner when I was still working in a bank).

[Click to read the rest] “Hamburglar – my son’s first impression”

Poll: Why Indian community in Malaysia not doing well?

I am doing this on behalf of someone who is preparing an analysis paper on the Indian community. Fire away with your votes. Voting ends on next Monday.

What is the main reason why Indian community in Malaysia not doing well?
Lack of education opportunities
Lack of unity among the community
Lack business skills and opportunities
Too much negative influence from media
Lack of motivation and focus
Lack of support from Government / political parties
Free polls from
[Click to read the rest] “Poll: Why Indian community in Malaysia not doing well?”

Sleeping problems? – Hypnotise yourself to sleep

I did not know that there is a “The Better Foundation” and “National Sleep Foundation” until I “googled” it up in the net. Gosh!

When I was doing my law degree whilst working full time, sleep was a luxury. Studying until 2.00 am and then waking up for work at 6.00 am, meant I only slept for 4 hours everyday for 6 days a week.… [Click to read the rest] “Sleeping problems? – Hypnotise yourself to sleep”

Disasters and Malaysia’s readiness

The question begging to be answered is whether we are going to be professional enough to act when a disaster (natural or man-made) strikes.

That thought came into my mind when I was watching Mega cities: Mexico City over National Geography Channel in Astro.

Considering Mexico City is the world’s biggest city but at ground zero – on one side: one of the world’s most earthquake-prone hotspots, on the other: one of the world’s most active volcanoes and beneath their feet – a shaky foundation of landfill.[Click to read the rest] “Disasters and Malaysia’s readiness”

Smelly Feet and Air-Conditioned Room

(Picture by John Shelley – source:

We have gone through this at some point in our working life. Imagine this…

“You are doing work in your office, concentrating on a complicated formula on the screen and suddenly…there was a bad smell on the air.

You look up (to the air condition vent) and down (to your shoes, just to make sure you did not step on anything suspicious),


[Click to read the rest] “Smelly Feet and Air-Conditioned Room”

RM100 isn’t much today

An interesting topic in The Star today and I must agree there that RM100 is indeed not much today but is it?

Now let’s see that again based on my daily expenses

A) When I was studying Law part time and working full time (almost 10 years ago)

Transportation: RM2.00 bus fare to and fro my house to KL (then I walk from the bus station to my work place, almost 5 kilometers away and walk again to the college – no wonder I was slim and very healthy then)

Food total: RM3.50 based on RM1.00 (“ biasa” or 3 kari-puffs, either one for almost everyday!

[Click to read the rest] “RM100 isn’t much today”