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The fine art of lying

In case you have misinterpreted the heading, read again – it is fine art of lying, not fine art of flying

I blame it on my previous company for “sharpening” my skills of telling lies through my teeth. My first lies was when I was in the marketing department, lying to the customers saying that the management is still considering their applications even though I knew that it has been rejected outright. I felt bad and I had not heart to tell it to them on the face. I told lies to “soften” the impact. What started as a good intention slowly turned into a daily routine.

It got worse when my good friend, his name was “B”, joined the company 2 years later. He is the master of lies and he was really good at it. So much so that some of the bosses knew that he was lying but somehow accepted it.

He could write a book on the fine art of lying – he was doing it almost every moment. But don’t mistaken my friend here – he does not have any bad intention and he does his work to ensure things get down so his lies are just temporary. He spoke the truth when and where it was required. He does not mislead people and for those who know him, it can be hilarious to see him in “action”

I still remember this incident couple of years ago. We were at Maybank sports complex for a football tournament. It was very early in the morning and we had our breakfast before coming to the field. Another of our friend was flying in from Kuantan to see the game and I clearly recalled “B” the night before informing him that the boys will be up early at the airport to pick him up. The problem is my friend, “B” had completely forgotten about this trip after the call.

So, there were we, getting ready for the game when “B” handphone rung. It was the friend from Kuantan. He had arrived at the airport and called to say that he is unable to locate the boys who suppose to pick him. “B”, without missing a beat and hesitation quickly said that the boys had left the place almost an hour ago and called to say that they were reaching the airport. Once he had put down the phone, he told me that he had completely forgotten about this. Just then, the boys were arrived at the field – “B” ran to them to tell about the task of picking someone from the airport and had bluffed to say that the boys were already on their way. The boys of course, shouted at “B” and ran to their car to dash to the airport. Everyone who was there at the field was laughing when the friend from Kuantan finally showed after an hour waiting for the boys. His face was red with anger.

“B” just smiled and apologized but that did not stop him from lying in the future. Even today, he will try to trap me with some of his lies (especially of stories with some big bosses or friends). I would laugh and ask whether that is the truth or not. “B” as usual in his classical way and without any hesitation would say “yes”.

You ask what about me? 

Well, these days, lying is only done in good faith and I don’t even consider lying as a routine. Trust me, I am not lying. I am not! Tag: Opinion

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