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Indian Weddings Part 2

A short trivial question:-

Question: What is worst than having to attend one Indian wedding function in a day?

Answer: Having to attend 2 Indian wedding functions in a day!

I blog about it, briefly, sometime in June last year when my cousin got married (well you call it as Part 1 sort of). Last Sunday was a hectic day – there was a wedding in the morning and then there was a wedding dinner in the evening. In between, I had the task of picking up my father in law from KL who was attending the evening wedding dinner.

So, you can imagine the running about to various places with no time to rest. I hated that. After all, Sundays are for sleeping and playing computer games only (and perhaps in between, taking care of kid)? But when I got 2 invitation cards for “I cannot opt to miss out” wedding functions, I knew my Sunday was gone.

The 1st wedding was in the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple’s Banquet Hall. It is the newly built hall next to the temple. It’s a very nice, clean and convenient place for holding functions. We went there early – one because to get a good parking spot and another was because my dad wanted to be there early (he is very close to the bride’s father). The hall has a 2 storey parking basement and I thought parking there would be a breeze since we were early but I was dead wrong. Anyone who has come to this hall before would know what I mean.

This is the place that demonstrates just how “smart” the some people were, in planning the layout of the building.

The temple built a hall that can easily accommodate 5,000 people (that’s at the 5th floor) and then reserve a place for serving lunch (on the 4th floor) but trimmed it down the place at the 4th floor to accommodate only 300 – 400 people. So, the entrance was jammed up, made worse by hungry queue jumpers and if you are lucky to be and got your food, most likely you will be eating whilst standing up. You may call it an outrage but that is still fine with me.

But when it came to reserve parking bays – it went beyond “outrage” and was dancing around the realms of stupidity. It only had parking bays enough for 30 odd cars! 30 times 5 people = 150 people (out of the 5,000 who attended) So, can you imagine the chaos when people drive down to the parking bays only to find them fully occupied and there is a very little space for them to turn around and return back to main street? Luckily for us, we arrived early to catch one of the last 2 parking spots available (yes, we could have opted to park outside but parking here was free, so we took the chance).

When it was over (although the ceremony took much longer than the usual but the food was great) we returned to the parking area, knowing very well that there will be chaos parking and we may end up waiting in queue to come out from the parking. There was chaos indeed – cars parked “arbitrarily” and were blocking the path of the properly parked cars. One idiot even parked his car right at the corner near the exit, making it difficult for cars to exit. Luckily for us (and thanks to my driving skills – ahem!), we managed to exit with an ease.

By the time the “morning” wedding ended, it was already past 1.00 pm. The next wedding function was slated to start at about 7.00 pm in Klang and my father in law was arriving in KL by bus at about 5.00 pm. So, there was only about 3 hours for us to rest and get ready for the next function. Hmmm, not much time to take a quick nap but I managed to have a quick game on the computer (so typical of me!).

Luck was on our side for the evening function – my father in law managed to arrive early and although we reached the dinner hall a bit late, the organizers also started the function late (no choice because most of the guests were on “Indian Time”). So, we were able to get a good place for the dinner. The marriage was between a doctor and a lawyer – so, everything for the dinner was done very professionally (just like them). There was no chaos unlike the morning and everyone was able to enjoy their food whilst listening to a live band (and a funny slide show on the couple). Even my son had enough “space” to enjoy himself and he sat down on the chair just like the other adults for the dinner (he likes the papadam the most).

Most of the people who came to the dinner were either doctors or lawyers – so, for once in an Indian wedding function, there was a proper queue at the food area. No one was jumping queue and everyone was patiently was for their turn to grab the food. Even children who were queuing for food, was given the preference to take the food first. I had to pinch myself to believe it.

It was tiring by the time we came back home – my son was fast asleep by then (he was already “drowsy” when we were travelling back from Klang). Tag: Indians

3 thoughts on “Indian Weddings Part 2”

  1. wedding seasons are such pain – i like attending weddings but one at a time plsssssssss u know someone was talking to us about the kl wedding at the wedding we went -coz she had to attend both (which were at the same time) hehehe pity here but ive done three weddings in 3 hours so im still the champion yayyyyyyyyyys – ;p

    oh i like that hall but donno y parking prob – at least u parking was open – when i went it wasnt

  2. if wedding dinner…it’s still ok…you have a look at the couple, congratulate them, give them the ang pow and go for the food. Actually wedding are different storey…too many custom rites need to be done before the above can happen.

    Ya, the parking bay just opened…but it already creating problems

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