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Odd time, Right time

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Mondays seems to be the wrong to time to think of a post for the blog. So, let’s talk about time, shall we?

Odd time

Odd time is when I woke up at 1.30 am this morning to pick up some relatives from the Puduraya bus station and by the time I reached home, it was almost 3.00 am. I would have probably slept for 3 odd hours before waking up for work. I have a slight headache but otherwise am not that sleepy – that is a surprise.

On the other hand…

Right time

Right time is when a blogger tags the deputy information minister Ahmad Zaid Hamidi as a “motherfcker” (although he may not be the first one to tag). Agreeing with Aisehman on this one, it is about time that these politicians stopping preaching to others on morality, ethics, self-respect and other so-called good attitudes unless they are practicing what they are preaching. Stop practicing double standard seems to be THE word these days.

Hopefully, the next coming days are less taxing and more enjoying – less odd times and more right times. Tag: Event

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