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November 19, 2007

RPK, Government and the Army


(Saturday march is not a small “fry” for the Government to ignore – Photo source: MSNBC)

It seems there has been a police report lodged over Raja Petra’s article titled “What the eye does not see”. It is an interesting piece written by RPK on the Saturday’s march organized by BERSIH – you should read it but what caught my eyes was this paragraph:-

When the first volley was fired on the assembled marchers around the Masjid Jamek-Masjid India area, word was passed down the line that the 19th Brigade of the Royal Malay Regiment or Regimen Askar Melayu Di-Raja (RAMD) was on stand-by, to move in if there are any fatal casualties.

[Click to read the rest] “RPK, Government and the Army”