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August 2010

Malaysia 101: Historic Merdeka 53 Years Ago & Embrace New Change


A very iconic image of Merdeka that all Malaysians must know and must appreciate. The significance of this historical moment in Merdeka is fast losing its perspective in modern Malaysia. Image source: Wikipedia

Read More »Malaysia 101: Historic Merdeka 53 Years Ago & Embrace New Change

National Unity 101: Malaysia’s Chicken & Egg Story

unity malaysia race

(Long before the illusive 1Malaysia came along, Malaysia has already been a multi-racial, multicultural country. We had our differences but we don’t see our fellow Malaysians as threats. Image source:

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Recycling 101: Pushing to Recycling An Old Car

Volvo Accident Crash Test Safety NCAP Recycling

(When you think of Volvo, you will think Sweden, safety and luxury. Now you can add environmentally friendly recycling to the  Volvo brand as well. Image source: WIRED)

The buzz word of the day is recycling and there is no major act from Malaysians to prioritize recycling in daily life.

Read More »Recycling 101: Pushing to Recycling An Old Car