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July 2010

Enforcement 101: How Can MACC Truly Improve?

Kamal Haasan Indian Tamil Movie Senapathy MACC Corruption

(We don’t have Senapathy, the old man who kills corrupt officials and even his own corrupt son in the 1996 Tamil movie Indian but we have something close called . The question is how far it has been effective in “weeding” out the from the system. Image source: IMDB)

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Economy 101: Kiasu Noises from Singaporeans On Fuel Price

Noise RON95 RON97 Petrol Station Shell Fuel Singaporean

(It is a mystery when Singaporeans make noise on the price of RON95 when it is still cheaper for them to buy the more expensive RON97 fuel. Image source: SVmongk, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

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World War 2 Movies: The Most Memorable Movies I Ever Seen

world war 2

(The last major war around the world at the same time was the World War 2 that happened between 1939 to 1945. For most of us who were not born then, we can understand the ultimate sacrifices that many gave from some of best movies ever made on this subject. Image source:

War 2 was the last major conflict that we have faced and we all dread the start of World War 3 (which could mean end of mankind or worse, the planet earth).

I like history and I have collection of books and magazines on the subject at home but nothing portrays the event better than seeing them on . Over the years, we have been “bombarded” with many types of war movies and mini-series ranging from ancient wars (like “300” and “Braveheart”), World Wars (both 1 & 2), Vietnam Wars (still remember “Platoon”, “Full Metal Jacket” or “Apocalypse Now”?) and all the way to galactic war in a galaxy, far, far away (my favourite – “Star Wars”)

If you are looking for movies for your collection, I strongly recommend these (in no particular order):-

Read More »World War 2 Movies: The Most Memorable Movies I Ever Seen

Malaysian Politics 101: New Found Care In State of Selangor?

Misi Tawan Selangor

(What is the real mission of “Misi Tawan “? Want to wrestle back the state for the good of the people in Selangor or to continue the nonsense that happened before the last general election? Image source: Suara Johore Online)

Read More »Malaysian Politics 101: New Found Care In State of Selangor?

Religion 101: Muddling Manchester United With Shortsighted Muslims

Manchester United Football Premier League English Red Devils

(The famous ‘s famed Red Devils logo after years of acceptance as a sign of an excellent team in the country has found its way to the mind of a short-sighted religious man. Image source: E Daily Sports)

First, it was the cookies, and then it was on yoga and now the Manchester United’s football shirts? It looks like we have highly paid (with our ) civil servants with too much free time at their disposal.

Read More »Religion 101: Muddling Manchester United With Shortsighted Muslims

Enforcement 101: When Perak Pakatan Rakyat Defend Criminals

perak speaker pakatan rakyat

(It is already bad for for already losing the State of no thanks to self-centred frogs, do you want to lose the support of the people too ah? Stop supporting the otherwise, you will never gain the trust of the people. Image source: Malaysiakini)

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Economy 101: Little Effect of Taxpayer Money On Fancy Projects

USD Money wallet

(We don’t have falling out from the sky for very personal whims and fancy projects – a fact some in have yet to realize. Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)

No end for short-sighted, money-wasting people in Malaysia.

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Economy 101: The Small RM0.05 Increase Of Essential Good Price

USD Money wallet essential good price

(The very little that we earn should be spent only on the essential items but their prices must be reasonable. The same goes for the who has access to limited . It should be spent on development and not on some fancy projects or subsidies. Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels)

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Enforcement 101: Discounting Outstanding Summons Part 2

enforcement fine traffic law police summon

(When it comes to agencies, we have the means to start things like the ability to issue but we sometimes lack the means to end things. We lack the enforcement of the . Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels)

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Military 101: Did We End Up With Faulty White Elephant Submarines?

Navy Submarine U Boat Military

(The strategic role of a to the nation’s maritime defence cannot be ignored but what makes it stink is the way these submarines were purchased and maintained. Image source: Flickr / US Navy)

Read More »Military 101: Did We End Up With Faulty White Elephant Submarines?

Personal 101: It’s My Reserved Seat! Someone Took It!!

seat reservation

You have made a reservation and booked the exact seats for your family but when you reach the place, you found others sitting down at the place. Does it sound familiar? Image source: Raw Pixel on

Read More »Personal 101: It’s My Reserved Seat! Someone Took It!!